On Friday afternoon, crypto markets appeared to catch their breath, although merchants remained on edge, bracing for bitcoin’s subsequent twist. At press time, BTC was buying and selling at $96,800 to $97,150 per coin, whereas the broader crypto financial system stood at $3.34 trillion—down 2.7% after some restoration. Bears Take a Breather Regardless of current turbulence, the crypto market […]
Bitcoin Balances on a Razor’s Edge: Is a Breakout or Breakdown Looming?
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Timmy Grimberg
Timmy is a passionate cryptocurrency enthusiast and experienced writer with a knack for breaking down complex blockchain concepts into digestible insights. With years of experience covering crypto trends, market analysis, and emerging blockchain technologies, Timmy strives to keep readers informed and ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of digital currencies. When not writing, Timmy enjoys exploring decentralized applications and engaging with the global crypto community.